Friday, March 25, 2011

Spanish Websites Post #3

Univision: - Univision: Entretenimiento, Música, Deportes, Noticias, y Comunidad

Univision is actually a Spanish television network in the United States, and this is its website. It has a plethora of Spanish articles on multiple topics. The website functions similarly to a newspaper website, such as the New York Times. There are news articles, videos, healthy and beauty articles, recipes, sports, etc. This would be a great website to show videos from in the classroom, whether on a specific topic or just to hear the language. I could also create question and answer guides to go with the videos. For homework, the students could look for related articles on the site, and attempt to read them and give a short summary. During my food unit, we could translate recipes and possibly cook some of them in class or outside.

Notes in Spanish: - Learn Spanish with Notes in Spanish Podcasts!

Notes in Spanish is a fantastic grammar tool to change things up a bit in class. There are three sections: beginner, intermediate, advanced. There are podcasts and worksheets. The worksheets have to be purchased, but there are free podcasts. They come on a variety of useful topics and can be streamed from the website or downloaded. The speakers go over information, provide audio exercises, and sample conversations. Some topics include schedules, por and para, shopping, music, and ser vs estar. I would like to play these podcasts for my students so they hear other Spanish accents AND a different way of explaining some of these concepts. As with Univision, I could make up my own guides for students to fill in while they listen.

1 comment:

  1. Great website! Since I'm in your content area, I am going to make notes of these great sites you have posted! Do you use Notes in Spanish in your classroom?
